
What are you thinking about at this Christmas time?  I have been pondering…

What is truth, beauty, goodness and life this Christmas? And to be sure, the rest of the year too?

If anyone knows me at all, they know I truly enjoy a good, wholesome movie, you know the ones that have a difficult, yet worked out conflict; a well-learned moral lesson; and a happy tearful ending. Especially, Christmas movies, like “Miracle on 34th Street”, “It’s a Wonderful Life” and “The Nativity Story”.

There is a line in one of them, “Don’t forget those lovely intangibles, they are the only things worth having!”  What are those “lovely intangibles”?  I believe they are truth, beauty, goodness, love, joy, peace and hope…to name a few.

I see beauty in the shining stars, and twinkling Christmas lights; in the tiny chickadees that flit from feeder to birdbath; in the raindrops that dangle from the small branches and in every face of my dear loved ones. This is beauty and it fills me with joy.

I see goodness in the giving, thoughtful, generous hearts of those around me…from the Police officers shopping with children for Christmas gifts, to the Pastors who quietly bless families with food and clothing; and loving family who drop off hearty soups and piping hot teas and all the trips to the store for soft tissues for tender noses, all to support loved ones during illness and recovery. This is goodness and it fills me with love.

I see truth, especially at Christmas time, when I contemplate the life of Christ Jesus. He came small, vulnerable, gentle and pure – yet with Him bringing a great hope and peace because He is Immanuel: God with us! He chose ON PURPOSE to come and enter our world; to know and feel how we live, and then to love us unconditionally anyway. He came to give us hope, and joy and peace that this crazy world could never understand and can never take away!

This is where I see and know truth, goodness and beauty in this precious gift that He gave – His life – Immanuel. He is real and I can’t imagine my life without Him! He promises to never leave or forsake us and to give us life forever with Him…what peace this brings…what hope this brings! Do you know these “lovely intangibles” in your life? Have you received the greatest gift, Jesus Christ, to give you hope, love, peace and joy?

I pray for you, to have a blessed Christmas and a wonderful new year and to know Christ Jesus for He loves you so.

All our love, Judy and Mel Rutkoske                                  Christmas 2020

Stepping into Your sanctuary, Lord, the place we desire and long to dwell;

humbly we enter Your presence, You’re seen in those we know so well.

We behold Your hands as greeters reach out, and through our Shepherd’s gentle touch.

Your guiding voice comes through Pastor’s message, challenging yet encouraging very much.

Beholding Your glory through worship-filled songs, watching Holy Spirit awaken seeking hearts.

Hearing Your praise rise to the heavens, our spirits are renewed right from the start.

We seek to dwell in Your house, O Lord; receiving amazing Grace and Mercy from You.

You light our way, You give us life; Your salvation’s sure and Your love is true.

We reverently adore, Christ our King; dwelling here content yet yearning more.

We behold Your beauty, Your loving gaze; humbly we bow, yet our spirits soar.

J.R. – 2016


Passing Through


    As the blood in the Lamb was shed and surrounded the entrance to the dwelling place Passover evening – securing, saving, protecting, strengthening for the journey ahead – so does the blood of Christ cover the door of my heart, for He is the door – giving me safe passage to walk through, washed clean, refreshed, renewed covered in His blood,out into the world. Yet not being part of it, for I am just passing through. I am protected and strengthened by His grace, walking out from a  position of slavery to a position of freedom in Him – yet not to do as I please – but in freedom filled with love and gratitude to live for Him, for He purchased my freedom that I may be His hands, His feet, and His voice bringing hope of that same freedom to others in this world who are hurting, loss and dying in a darkness they cannot see. Hoping to bring others to this same door to pass under His blood to go from the darkness of slavery to the light of freedom and peace forever in and through the blood of the Lamb – Jesus Christ!

Isaiah 49:9 (NLT) I will say to the prisoners, ‘Come out in freedom,’ and to those in darkness, ‘Come into the light.’




HI Punkin, this one’s for you!




Hope rising, lifting the darkness

Overcoming love through Christ alone

Piercing the heart of injustice, freeing the captive

Everlasting love refining the change, the difference


Raising awareness to fight

Injustice being transformed

Seeking the lost and downhearted

Investing within heart, mind, and soul

Nurturing a life restored through God’s Word

Growing hope, shining light, shattering the darkness 

Pearls of Great Price

Have you ever seen or heard of pearls of great price?

Each uniquely round, pure white, and yet ever varied in size.

What a tremendous blessing it is to receive them…

what great value and great worth! Ever cherishing each one received.

Being strung together forming a necklace; many layers

its length is so long, wrapping several times around.


You may ask and I will tell…where did all these pearls come from?

Receiving so many throughout each day I truly have lost count!

Oh yes, you did not ask how many, you ask from whence they come?


A bit of science knowledge applied within the natural world…

deep inside the oyster’s heart beautiful pearls form

when an irritation enters in.. created to protect itself

a covering builds around the un-welcomed…giving it value instead

turning a pest into a guest…thus forming the pearl.


Yet the pearls of great price given me are formed deep within…a mystery

Yes, they are very precious and priceless, for truth are formed from a grateful heart.

Though you can’t see the pearls…i know they are truly there

Formed by giving thanks in everything and through His Amazing Grace.


The pearls materialize at various times throughout the day.

Coming first each morn… wrapped in a worship song that fills my heart.

Many are unveiled as upon my eyes taking in the majesty of my Lord’s creation,

Thankful for living, moving, and being His.


Several pearls are unwrapped in my outstretched arms

when encircling my family and friends;

especially when seeing their eyes, their smiles, their quirks…

and even their tears – unending love for each one.


Quite many are unfolded within the pages of God’s Word

planting seeds of life and hope that will never end.

Thankful for His faithfulness and unfailing love.


The pearls come from many sources: a quiet thought, a silent prayer,

rolling thunder, and a still small voice; an overflowing river,

and a purifying fire…each amazing when thanks and grace applied.


These pearls of great price, though many upon the strands

are not a burden…no, it is light for they encircle a grateful heart!

You say – Oh, now I understand, ’tis not a mystery

the pearls are formed within the heart of man…

the pearls of great price appear when

we choose to be thankful and live life gratefully!


Seasons of Forgiveness

A chilling autumn rain descends

weighing down each and every leaf.

Wearing the true colors of Harvest

they dance around, they resist the wind

yet inevitably they all fall.

Sitting warm inside observing this

I hear the Lord say, “Love your enemies”

What, Lord? No way! You know the hurt

I bear, the harsh words spoken

the pain I have held unto

How can I let it go?

you love My creation, look and see…

the bright buds and tender leaves

that adorn spring it is life anew;

though the summer’s heat,

winds and storms of life take it’s toll.”

Continuing the Lord gently speaks,

Pray for those who mistreat you,

those who despite-fully use you.”

How, Lord, how can I forgive?

How can I ask You to bless them?

Look to My autumn leaves,

they are arrayed in such beauty yet

they can only get to that place through

the heat and growth of the summer

and the cool rains and storms of the fall.

I give sunlight to the evil and the good

I send rain on the just and the unjust

I give My all.”

The leaves eventually turn –

dying to themselves, fall at My feet

though they were crimson;

I cover them making them whiter than snow.

In winter – though it may seem long

I quietly, slowly bring healing,

allowing you this season.

Reminding you of My birth

all that I went through,

the hurts and the pain as you have,

yet I chose to forgive and bring you to Myself…

That is why I came.

I freely gave Myself for you.

You now freely give yourself to Me.

I gave you life in the Spring

I gave you growth in the Summer

I gave you forgiveness in the Fall

I gave My life for you, for All of you.”

Lay aside your unforgiveness,

your hurt, your pain

it is too heavy a weight to bear.

Pray and bless your enemies, I did

and by My grace in you – you can too!”

Winter may seem long,

yet be patient, keep praying with Me.

Each season, each day, each moment

live – in these gifts I have given-

then choose to give them away.”

Just as a golden harvest leaf that falls

– fall to your knees

you are there

with all the others who have fallen too.

Your lives touch each other-

affect each other in more ways

than you will ever know.”

Choose to follow My life-

walk in My footsteps;

know forgiveness and freely give it.

As you pray for your enemies-

those who bring unwanted pain,

those who color your life

with sadness, regret,

frustration, disappointment-

Remember I bore all of it on a tree.”

This is where we began…looking at a tree-

life begins and ends

through the seasons I bring.

No matter what season you are in

– you must go through

I promise I AM… there at your side.

Choose My life in you

walk in the forgiveness

that I have lavished on you.

Seasons change – so can you.”

JR  10-6-2012 –Revised 10-12-13

Moral Standards are based on the Word of God

You can’t pick and chose what parts of the Word

that you deem right or wrong

our own personal interpretation isn’t an option

you cannot live by the Word you like

and forget the rest

It is a whole moral code by which to live by

based on the character of God

unchangeable – immutable -Lord Jehovah

the same yesterday today and forever

Jesus said “I and the Father are one”

and “I came to fulfill the law”

He did not detract from the Law

He raised its standard to perfection

we cannot take the “Golden Rule” and

make it measure down to our ungodly behavior

whatever you “think” your new modern normal is

it just isn’t so

God’s Word is truth – inerrant- infallible

a sweet fragrance and life to those who live it

an offense and death to those who reject it

Jesus never watered down His Word

He spoke it – He lived it

He didn’t need to be politically correct

He didn’t adjust His Word to fit the times

He is timeless – His Word carved in stone

A Rock – a firm foundation on which to stand

A Light – to direct along the straight path

Those who choose to live in the darkness

don’t realize how dark it is

until exposed to the Light



Walking in a Wilderness

Walking in a wilderness – a dry and barren land

It was empty  – no life inside

like a fish out of water – stuck in the miry clay

gasping for breath – finding none

looking for rescue – without any hope inside

my feelings whirl around me- like a sand storm

losing my focus – couldn’t see – confused and doubting

would i ever find my way?

being lost in a dense forest – frustrated, not finding the right path

i shout for help, strength, direction

yet the storm rages so loud within – i didn’t hear the Word when it came

i needed water – thirsty and parched

i needed oil – wounded and hurt

i needed light – lost and wandering

Quietly, gently, surprisingly – the rescue came slowly

for i was unaware

i stop – realizing my focus was inward – fretting alone – all on me

i stop – awakening to the turning of my soul towards

the One who had been there all along

My pathway started to come into focus

His gentle touch guiding my way

hearing softly – finally aware of His Word

cleansing and clearly my eyes- lighting the way

one step at a time

Healing oil restoring my heart

an over-flowing river replenishing my strength, my life

my direction – now coming into focus – is to lose my life again

but not in the wilderness of Me – nor to the storms of self-pity

neither to the land of all alone

i lose my self to the GREAT I AM

that is where i found myself  in HIM – my strength, my song

i’m not afraid – i’m not afaid

no longer in fear and doubt – yet reverent fear of HIM

wading deep in the river – He rescued my soul

cleansed and healing my wounds

i partake of the bread of life

restored, thankful, blessed, encouraged – finding my way

overwhelmed – i rest in His peace, His love, His strength

I give thanks to You, O Lord – grace, mercy and love

Inspired by Holy Spirit thru Judy Rutkoske

Wife Lessons 101

Introduction: I haven’t written a post in a long while for I have been slowly writing this. I know it is a lengthy read; I have been wanting to share the lessons I’ve learned and continue to learn; but if your desire is to have a great marriage then it won’t seem that long.

I have been blessed to be married to the best man EVER for 38 years now. And it only gets better with time. There have been a lot of wise women through the years that have inspired and have given me invaluable wisdom regarding the marriage relationship, including my own mom; and to you all, I give thanks. And to the Lord my God, my greatest thanks for His continuing grace and mercy and blessings for my marriage and my family.

1.The “Two” become “One”:  Other than our relationship with the Lord. The next relationship that God established was the marriage relationship.  He has given us this relationship that we may see a preview of our relationship with Him as bride of Christ and He, the bridegroom. Yet, look at the divorce rate within the church.  Our enemy, Satan knows if he can destroy a marriage, he can begin to tear down the whole of society.  You must guard your marriage relationship.   It is your number one job to protect that relationship. If someone came up against you personally, spoke against you, tried to hurt you, attempted to malign your character; would you not stand up for yourself and defend yourself.  Well, the same goes for your husband, they are “one” with you in God’s eyes, so you must rise to their defense.  More importantly you must guard yourself from issuing those same attacks on him.   Never speak against your spouse to another person. No “husband- bashing” with your friends.  Never talk down to or correct your spouse in front of others.  There can be a time and place for working through your disagreements, the public arena is not such place.


Side note: It is important to note that you must be a whole person in yourself – by that I mean you must be content in who you are as a person. If you are waiting for Mr. Right to make you happy…you never will be. Not that we should ever stop striving to better ourselves personally but the only way you will feel fulfilled in a relationship with your spouse is by entering into it being fulfilled in who you are in your relationship with Christ.

2. R-E-S-P-E-C-T:   Not the Aretha Franklin version…but the biblical version.       Eph 5:33  But it also applies to you: every husband must love his wife as himself, and every wife must respect her husband.   Yes, there is the husband side to this, we’ll get to that later in another article. This goes along with number 1.  I don’t claim to understand it all but the need for respect is in a man’s DNA; it is part of what makes them want to get up and face the day and if you do not give him the respect he deserves he will look for it from friends, fellow workers, or (ouch!) other women. You may think “respect has to earned”… yet, obey the Word of God…give respect and his love will grow! Criticism and complaining kills respect.

Prov. 15:4  Kind words bring life, but cruel words crush your spirit

3. A Three Strand Cord:  It takes THREE to make a marriage work…him, you and the Lord.  It is amazing, the unity that can come to a marriage as you involve the Lord in it.  Pray together, especially over major decisions, but even the minor ones too.  I can not think of any other way that will keep a marriage growing strong and moving in the same direction then when you keep the Lord first and foremost in your relationship.    Eccl. 4:12  And if one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart.  Jesus put the needs of others first before his own…when we follow that example and put our spouses needs first that is where you “two” begin to truly grow into “one”.

4. Kindness is Contagious:  Prov. 11:17  You do yourself a favor when you are kind. If you are cruel, you only hurt yourself.  Just like a bad cold; kindness is contagious.  Using words like…”Please”, “Thank you”, “I really appreciate that”, “May I help you”, etc.  It is amazing how manners do matter and how they do spread from one person to another; but unfortunately crabbiness and nastiness are just as infectious. And it starts from the top down…so it trickles down and affects the whole family.

Prov. 10:32  Righteous people know the kind thing to say, but the wicked are always saying things that hurt.

Eph. 4:29  Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words, the kind that build up and provide what is needed, so that what you say will do good to those who hear you.

5. Practice being a fruit:  the fruit of the Spirit that is…

Gal 5:22-23  But the Spirit produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility, and self-control. There is no law against such things as these.

I heard it said once, I think, by Joyce Meyers that  the first aspect of the fruit of the Spirit is “Love” and the last “Self-control”, which are like book ends that when these two are practiced the rest are held in place and develop as well.  We can make the daily choice to practice these with each other or make the choice to do the opposite; but the question is what kind of fruit do you want to be known for?

Matt. 12:33  “To have good fruit you must have a healthy tree; if you have a poor tree, you will have bad fruit. A tree is known by the kind of fruit it bears.

6. Don’t be a leaky faucet: There are times when you need things done and you need your husband’s help to do it. Politely ask him. And possibly if needed a gentle reminder…we all forget to do things at one time or another. But do not nag!  It will not accomplish anything but rebellion and delay. And a big bold “honey do” list on the fridge can equal nagging unless he ask for a list, then just jot down the more urgent things to do.  And when he does help with things, be thankful and do not, I repeat, do not follow behind him and redo what he did (me…myself: guilty as charged!).  It is a quick way to get him not to want to help again. They do know what needs to be done…give them the credit they deserve. Be an assistant not a hindrance.

1 Peter 3:4  Instead, your beauty should consist of your true inner self, the ageless beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of the greatest value in God’s sight.

Proverbs 27:15  A nagging wife is like water going drip-drip-drip on a rainy day.

Prov. 15:1  A gentle answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger.

7. Leave the Past in the Past:  Bringing up the past…”You always do/say that”…always leaves a bad taste in the mouth. Forgiveness is a wonderful thing. It can help us move beyond hurt and pain of the past. When things are said that hurt you – say “when you said that, it made me feel…”.  This way you are not pointing fingers but simply expressing your feelings. You can work through many a problem starting from a place of forgiveness. Forgiveness brings freedom; especially forgiveness from the Lord; look at what Jesus said in: Matt. 6:14-15  “If you forgive others the wrongs they have done to you, your Father in heaven will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive the wrongs you have done. This is one of the “Ouch” verses…yet as always obedience to it brings blessing and restoration to relationships.

1Cor. 13:5  love is not ill-mannered or selfish or irritable; love does not keep a record of wrongs.

Prov. 17:9  You will keep your friends if you forgive them, but you will lose your friends if you keep talking about what they did wrong.

8. No name calling: “Stick and Stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me” Baloney! A person’s name can define their life for good or bad.  When you call someone a name continually they will live up to that name…good or bad.  What would you rather live up to  “Lazy”, “Good-for-nothing”, “Useless”  or  “Gorgeous”, “Handsome”, “One-in-a-million” and “Blessed”? The words we speak create life…what kind of life are you speaking over your spouse? Over your family? Here is another “ouch” verse:

Matt. 5:22  “But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother shall be guilty before the court; and whoever says to his brother, ‘You good-for-nothing,’ shall be guilty before the supreme court; and whoever says, ‘You fool,’ shall be guilty enough to go into the fiery hell.

Proverbs 18:21  What you say can preserve life or destroy it; so you must accept the consequences of your words.

9. Give him space: Your husband may at times have the weight of the world on his back – it may be situations at work; it may be the checkbook with the lack of funds in it; whatever it is – just give him space. Let him watch the his sporting event without interruption, or go for a run, or shoots some hoops or have a quiet time with the Lord. Let him have time to process quietly what he is dealing with…in the meantime lift him up in prayer. Ask the Lord to lighten his burden, to give him wisdom and creativity to sort through the problem, and to lead him to the wise counsel of other Godly men.  I have seen it time and time again that when you lift him up in prayer God blesses him with ideas and answers and the Lord usually confirms those answers to you…again strengthening that the two are one.

Eccl. 3:7b  A time to be silent and a time to speak.

Heb. 4:16  Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

10. Submission is NOT a four-letter word:  First, to the Lord…James 4:7-8a  “Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”  God has a plan for each of our lives and as we turn our lives over to Him – He promises to guide our steps.

Prov. 3:5-6  Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight.  (If anyone knows me at all, they know I had to get this verse in here somewhere…it is my life verse, given to me by the Lord during a extremely stressful time in my life…it continually helps me to keep the right focus). Secondly, to your husband. It goes without saying that your husband must share the same faith as you. And as you pray for him to be the man of God that God intends him to be; then submission is not hard at all – for he is desiring to lead his family in the Lord, and as he trust in the Lord, the Lord will lead and guide your husband.

Eph 5:22-25  Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body. But as the church is subject to Christ, so also the wives ought to be to their husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her.

11. Communication IS a four letter word…TALK:  You come together in marriage from different backgrounds, each carrying baggage that you may have not noticed during the honeymoon. But neither of you are mind-readers; it takes time and talking to learn about each other’s likes and dislikes; no matter how much you thought you had it all figured out before marriage.  Avoid the rapid-fire, dump-on of every thought and problem of your day. It may help to write out what you want to communicate; it comes out clearer when you take time to think through your words. Burying your thoughts and feelings deep inside usually leads to a volcanic erruption when you least expect it. You each are unique in how you communicate – you must continually try to find ways to understand each other; so it is a given that you ask the Lord for wisdom in how to communicate with each other. (Check out the “the Five Love Languages” by Dr. Gary Chapman…truly great insights in helping to communicate with others. See other resources below.)

Prov. 2:6  For the LORD gives wisdom; From His mouth come knowledge and understanding.

Prov. 12:18  Thoughtless words can wound as deeply as any sword, but wisely spoken words can heal.

Eph 5:1-2  Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma.

12. Mrs. Cleaver where are you?  You know the type…wears a dress, heels, and makeup; greets her husband at the door with a clean house and “a good meal” on the dining table. If she ever existed it was only on a sitcom from the 50’s.  Not that I have lived this out (especially the dress and heels); yet on occasion when I have been able to keep the kitchen sink empty, the laundry put away, and dinner ready when my hubby gets home…it is gratifying to see the look of thanksgiving and appreciation in his eyes. Yes, there are wives who work outside the home and/or have 2.5  or more children to raise…I have been there/done that…you do the best you can and ask the Lord for daily wisdom for creativity, strength, and grace and peace. Oh, and I forgot patience, lots of patience.  And remember when you pray for patience, the Lord usually gives you plenty of opportunities to put it into practice 🙂

Prov. 31:27-31  She is always busy and looks after her family’s needs. Her children show their appreciation, and her husband praises her. He says, “Many women are good wives, but you are the best of them all.”  Charm is deceptive and beauty disappears, but a woman who honors the LORD should be praised. Give her credit for all she does. She deserves the respect of everyone.

I hope that these lessons I have learned may help you within your marriage.

Enjoy and be blessed, yours humbly, Judy R.

Proverbs 18:22  Find a wife and you find a good thing; it shows that the LORD is good to you.

P.S. There are some great resources out there for marriages. Here are a few of my favorites. The trick is not just to read it but put it in to practice.

Suggested Reading:

“The Holy Bible” by the Lord God Almighty

“A Woman after God’s Own Heart” by Elizabeth George

“The Five Love Languages” by Dr. Gary Chapman

“Love and Respect” by Emerson & Sarah Eggerichs

“A Mother’s Touch” and “A Mother’s Time” by Elise Arndt

Why is it that when i begin to write a “to do list” it always seems to grow and never get completed. Just when i determine i am going to accomplish everything on it, more things arise that need to go on the list.  and then there is the inevitable items on the list that you just don’t ever get around to or worse … don’t want to do at all!  I have never been so great at prioritizing or setting goals.  Is that from my personality of being an “S” ; “Blue”; “Beaver” (from all the different personality test out there) ?  Or is it that i have too much going on in my life and need to simplify?  Simplify:  that is my main reason i think i currently have so many items on my list for many of the items on my “TO DO LIST” are things i want to clear out and get rid of.   I just realized that as i am writing this i am not getting anything accomplished on my list …oh well… back to my list.  Any suggestions are welcome 🙂